
Winsen Spielplatz

🇩🇪 21423 Winsen, Germany
53.3597042, 10.2015504
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About this spot

Water current

Medium current

Be aware of changes in water currents due to changing weather conditions.

Water type


Clean and dry your equipment after paddling.

Nature reserve

Nature reserve

Avoid disturbing the shore and animals. Respect the wildlife and their habitats.


Paddling rules

Show care and respect for the environment, animals and other paddlers.

Mandatory paddling direction

Downstream only

Permitted paddling time

9am - 6pm

Paddling prohibited during

Himmelfahrt (Ascension Day)

Until Garstedt

Pfingstwochenende (Whitsun weekend)

Until Garstedt


Park at your own risk. Check availability and charges.

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Parking address and navigation

An der Luhe, 21423 Winsen (Luhe)


Getting there

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Paddle on your own responsibility and check local navigation rules and regulations.

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