Paddling rules

Paddle on your own responsibility and check local navigation rules and regulations, as these may change without notice.

Follow local regulations

Check and follow local navigation rules and regulations. They may change without notice, depending on the season or public holidays.

No Littering

Collect and dispose of your own garbage. Keep the water and banks clean.

Avoid noise

Avoid unnecessary noise. Respect the peace and quiet of nature.

Protect shore and animals

Avoid disturbing the shore and animals. Respect the wildlife and their habitats.

Official entry and exit points

Use official entry and exit points to avoid damaging the shore, vegetation and wildlife breeding areas.

Paddle together

Paddle in a group or inform someone of your planned route and time of return.

Check weather forecast

Check the weather forecast and avoid paddling in strong wind or storm.

Wear a lifejacket

Wear a lifejacket. It could save your life. It may be mandatory in some areas.

Drink water

Stay hydrated. Drink water regularly. Avoid alcohol.